Sealink services from Marlink on SONGA ECLIPSE
Marlink, the global provider of maritime satellite communications, has recently signed a new contract with offshore drilling specialist, Songa Offshore(Norwegian-Cypriot drilling contractor). As part of the new agreement Marlink will deliver and install its Sealink C-band VSAT services on Songa’s semi-submersible rigs including SONGA ECLIPSE, a 6th generation Friede & Goldman ExD ultra deep-water rig, providing each drilling rig with 1024 Kbps bandwidth to support a range of business critical applications. Songa is expected to benefit from Marlink's satellite communications and network services, including VoIP telephony for local dialling tones, specialised networking aboard each rig, email and storage solutions and desktop support.Through their close collaboration with Viking Innovations, they are able to develop satellite communications and IT service packages which best fit the needs of customers such as Songa Offshore, to fully support the digital oilfield.
Marlink’s extensive product range for the oil rig and offshore industry includes its own regional, multi-regional and global Ku-band and C-band Maritime VSAT systems SEAdirect, WaveCall and Sealink, as well as on-demand services such as Inmarsat FleetBroadband, Iridium and Thuraya. The maritime satellite communications provider has also established regional customer service facilities in major regions of the world, supporting its global customer base. Marlink also provides remote control capabilities for vessel operations, improving safety in difficult conditions. Since an emergency at sea can be uniquely challenging, Marlink provides an added level of security in even the most hazardous circumstances.
Sealink is Marlink’s full service solution offering high quality always-on voice, Internet access and Local Area Network (LAN) communications at a fixed monthly price. The core focus of Sealink is to provide high quality, cost-efficient company internal telephony, PSTN telephone, GSM carrier services and administrative vessel-to-shore LAN-LAN services as well as email and Internet services, to enable a powerful connection with shore operations.Sealink can be tailored to meet customers’ specific requirements, with bandwidth customized to include a dedicated Quality of Service (QoS) and bit rate at several Mbps. Sealink can be tailored to meet customers’ specific requirements, with services for crew welfare and passengers, contractors, partners or clients. Bandwidth is also customized to include a dedicated Quality of Service (QoS) and specified bit rate, appropriate to your needs.
The service includes the provision of equipment, satellite space segment, teleport services and terrestrial connectivity, an end-to-end service guarantee.Marlink provides regional support with regional knowledge on a global basis, meaning wherever you are in the world, regardless of what time or day, an expert customer support representative is ready to help you when you need it.On-board system installation, training, fault correction and periodic preventive maintenance are provided as part of the service by Marlink’s own personnel. Field engineers, equipment and spare parts are available from service depots worldwide, enabling us to offer quality parts or a call-out service at short notice across the globe.
Internet access is provided to Sealink customers through high quality broadband access and can be tailored to the customer’s requirements. Options include prioritised bandwidth, fixed IP, VPN, restricted Internet with content filtering or a prepaid card system. Transmission rates from 64 Kbps up to 8 Mbps are available for always-on voice, Internet access and LAN-to-LAN services.Sealink telephone lines are connected to a Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) making calling a vessel as simple as calling a terrestrial fixed line. Calls to the customer’s on-shore headquarters are made simple via the on-board telephone systems’ direct connections and the call cost is included in the lease of the service.
Sealink provides regional, multi-regional and global coverage using C- and Ku-band space segments or Ku-band and C-band solutions can be combined in order to meet specific customer demands and optimise cost efficiency. A range of Value Added Services are available from Marlink that have been custom designed to complement and further enhance the Sealink service. Since we monitor the system around the clock, problems are often pinpointed and diagnosed before the vessel is aware that a problem was on the rise. In many cases, faults discovered on-board can be rectified from shore using the existing infrastructure. Rather than having to swallow the cost of sending a service engineer to the vessel due to a breakdown or failure, the company saves on travel expenses, daily wages of a service engineer and - in the worst case scenario - a helicopter lease.
Using Remote Diagnostics, you can monitor and access the on-board systems from shore for:
• Integrated Automation Control
• Integrated Automation Control
Highly advanced Dynamic Positioning process LAN can keep a large shuttle tanker positioned almost as if anchored up. This important when accurate positioning is a must - even in rough weather.Remote diagnostics is a powerful service that allows you to foresee potential problems and address them before they become unpleasant and costly surprises.
Labels: Inmarsat, Iridium, Marlink, offshore, QoS, rig, SEAdirect, Sealink, Sealink telephone, Songa, SONGA ECLIPSE, WaveCall